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Reflecting Ireland: Tips to manage social media use

18 July 2023

Our latest Reflecting Ireland research shows we love social media! Nine out of ten use it regularly. However 4 in 10 feel they spend too much time on it, particularly women, and 1 in 3 believe it has a negative impact on their mental wellbeing, particularly younger adults. More than 8 out of 10 feel children spend too much time on it.  

To get the most out of social media while avoiding the downsides, follow these hints and tips.

Enjoy social media wisely

Take a break 

Take a break from social media first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Our research shows that those who use social media straight after waking up or just before going to sleep are between 1 ½ and 2 times more likely to experience a negative effect on their mental wellbeing.  Women are more likely to fall into this category than men.

Set limits

Research shows that reduced screen time leads to improved sleep and improved general mood and wellbeing (*). It also shows that the more time parents spend on screens, the more children do too.  For a healthy balance, set limits on the amount of time adults and children in the household spend on social media and on screens generally.

Get webwise

If you are concerned about children’s activity on social media and the internet generally, check out Webwise  which offers information, advice and resources about staying safe online for young people, teachers and parents. The site explains a range of social media apps, how they work and advice on how best to use them. 


  1. (*) 2023. Screens: Immediate and long-term health risks of excessive screen-based media use. SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET Denmark. Funded by European Research Council.
  2. Webwise

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